Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ridley Eloise - Five Months

Ridley Eloise officially turned five months old today! She is the light of our lives and the happiest little bundle of joy that I ever met. Between turning four and five months, she truly has changed so's amazing. 

Ridley is wearing size 0-3 month clothing, which she will be in for a while longer as some items are still baggy on her. She is also wearing size one diapers. She is a little nugget but I almost love that she is staying little for so long. She's precious! 

This month has been huge for milestones. She is laughing! She laughs at funny noises, funny faces, and when we tickle her belly or neck. She gives away her smiles so easily now too which is adorable and she is also babbling and squealing more often. She just started getting up on her hands and knees and pushes her legs forward so we expecting that she will crawl within the next couple months. She can actually sit up unassisted for a few seconds too! She has never really done the tripod sit since her arms are so short but she can actually sit there regardless which is impressive. We are still using her Bumbo throughout the day. Her favorite activity is rolling around on the ground. She goes from one end of the living room to the other in seconds...she's quick! 

She is taking around five ounces per feeding every two and a half to three hours. She tries so hard to hold her bottle and can hold the four ounce Dr. Brown's on her own but needs help with the big eight ounce bottles. 

Her favorite things include: Sophie the giraffe, her bunny chew toy, her brother Lachlan, mommy, daddy, spending Monday's with Gigi, playing at the pool, taking long naps in the afternoon and being sung to. She is absolutely the cutest baby ever! We love her so incredibly much.