Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lachlan's Life Lessons

Tuesdays are my day home with the kiddos. I take this day off in exchange for three short hours in the office early on Saturday morning...I think it's a fair trade off. This particular Tuesday was the day after Ridley had her four month shots which caused her to be extra cranky and she really didn't want to nap or even relax at all. Lachlan woke up and immediately came down the stairs ready for the day. Lachlan's life motto is "The sun is out so there is no resting!" He loves to remind of us this each morning. Ridley had just fallen asleep and I was just hoping he wouldn't disturb her and wake her up. I was too nervous to move her upstairs to her crib where I could guarantee that it would be quite so I let her sleep in her bouncer downstairs. Lachlan was starting running around and talking loudly in the living room and I asked him to sit down and use an inside voice so Ridley could rest. I found myself getting annoyed that he was being so loud when all I wanted was for my fussy baby to nap for half an hour. He ended up waking her up and while I was going to pick her up to try and console her, he sat down and had a really sad face. I asked him what was wrong and he told me, "I was just trying to be funny because I thought I could make you laugh but I wasn't funny and I woke up sissy." My heart sank and I just hugged him in the tightest hug possible and told him that he ALWAYS makes me laugh. I love my sweet funny boy so much and that entire morning I was so mad at myself for getting annoyed when he was just trying to make ME laugh. He is the very best part of me! 

He asked me to take this picture to show him as a super hero! He's hilarious! 

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